Movies info are downloaded in the language set on your Apple TV Movies overview, cover and details when a channel is highlighted In other words, you have the freedom to stream TV shows and movies using legally purchased subscription channels on your television, using any legal service that can stream video.
The content you watch through IPTV channels is not only legal to view but legal to own as well. If you are a member of a subscription, you may log in to view content through the application. Legal IPTV can be streamed through an application provided by the channel creator. Legal IPTV is a TV channel provided through an application on your phone, tablet or TV, while illegal IPTV is provided by someone other than the channel creator, and is being illegally streamed on a physical device such as a TV. IPTV boxes allow for anonymous content sharing that puts you in a compromising situation if the service provider or law enforcement finds out that you are using the device for piracy.
IPTV technology is legal, but the use of the technology for illegal purposes such as piracy or illegal distribution of content is illegal.